jueves, 10 de enero de 2013

Cover from Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe received on 10 th January 2013

1 comentario:

  1. Wow! A Wonderful Blog ..
    Hi Emilio!
    I am warmly welcome to your offer that your desire to collect our country’s stamps.
    I really would like to help you. However, unfortunately, I now live in the United States.
    When I received your comment, I was looking for any stamps of my country. I usually contact with my relatives and most of my friends by email, telephone, or online chatting, so I could not find any one.
    I got an idea to find Myanmar’s stamps online. Fortunately, I found one facebook address and one web address for collection of Myanmar’s stamps.
    They are https://www.facebook.com/myanmar.postage.stamps.collectors and http://tharaphi.webs.com/.
    I know you could not read our language. Myanmar was one of the British colonies. Besides, our country was under Japan’s rule during the World War II. Therefore, we had many stamps according to the different rulers. One more important fact is that Myanmar is also known as Burma. So if you can see “Burma Postage”, that is my country’s stamp. Our currency is Kyat, and K is the abbreviation.
    If you want to materially keep the real stamp of Myanmar, I would transfer your address to my friends in my country and ask them to send a traditional letter to you.
    By the way, please forgive my poor English. Your English is pretty good.
    I also love to travel around the World including your country, Spain. I am happy to help you.
    I hope you will be partly satisfied with the internet sources. I wish you can receive the stamps from each country in the world.... ^_^

    Moe Thaut Phyu
    Lightening Memos
